


What is TITAN

TITAN Philippines is a renowned retailer specializing in basketball sneakers and apparel. To enhance the omnichannel shopping experience for its customers and increase app sales and conversion, I led the company’s mobile app redesign.


UX Research

Interaction Design

UI Design

No-Code Development (Tapcart)


July - Oct 2022

Why Redesign?

In a daily average range of 10,000 to 50,000 users, more than 60% use mobile phones to purchase products in TITAN. In that 60% allocation of mobile users, only 10% to 15% use the mobile app, while the rest use their mobile web browsers to visit the main website. It just shows that there is an uneven distribution between web and mobile sales, and there are major points of improvement we could make to increase app sales and conversions.



Problem Discovery

Retailers set up their marketplaces and online stores by establishing both a website and an app to reach the target audience, encourage new purchases and, as a result, increase both sales and revenue. Companies are able to increase brand awareness and reach to a much wider audience. Top online shops and marketplaces thoroughly approach mobile app development and make sure their websites and apps are not only functional but have an intuitive user interface and well-defined user experience. While these goals fall directly under TITAN’s radar, their execution is not the same case.

To understand why the company’s mobile app converts significantly lower despite having more mobile users as compared to web users, I conducted initial 1-to-1 user tests wherein 5 participants shared their experiences in using TITAN’s mobile app.

How do users navigate through the app to shop for new or specific products?

Finding New Products

When looking for TITAN latest releases, users found it easy to see the latest drops in the ‘Home’ section, but they found it difficult to look for new releases and products filtered by brand, type, and other attributes based on user category (i.e. men, women, youth) because selecting a user category led them to a general product listing page with infinite scrolling. Some users go through several screens just to view brands based on user category, while others go to the website instead to have the assurance that “everything TITAN offers is found in the website.”

Finding Specific Products

Users expressed that looking for specific products in the app is more tedious than the website because the sort/filter functions do not reflect accurate results based on user input. This problem, however, is caused by the third-party Shopify search engine used by TITAN, OnionNav. As a workaround, some users tend to either scroll all the way to the bottom of the product pages in the app, while others simply use the website instead.